Swimwear Collection Part 3 - Monokinis
The monkini is unquestionably my signature style ... I've done literlly hundreds of these over the years ... and this collection represents my favorites. The monokini is a seup sexy one piece from the front and a two piece from behind. This collection includes my 7 most popular designs in 13 separate sizes from 80cm to 104cm bust (85cm to 109cm hip) ... all in 2cm increments, fully layered in all digital formats.
These patterns are not suitable for making reversible swimwear. These patterns DO NOT come with assembly instructions. We assume you have a basic understanding of reading patterns and sewing swimwear.
PDF: Adobe Acorbat for viewing/printing (projector friendly)
CDR: Corel Draw X3 and higher for CAD editing
AI: Adober Illustraor CS6 and higher for CAD editing